Thursday, December 13, 2012
PRIDE: according to the Bible
Pro 11:2 Too much pride can put you to shame. It's wiser to be humble.
Pro 9:12 Good sense is good for you, but if you brag, you hurt yourself.
Pro 6:16 There are six or seven kinds of people the LORD doesn't like:
Pro 6:17 Those who are too proud or tell lies or murder,
Pro 6:18 those who make evil plans or are quick to do wrong,
Pro 6:19 those who tell lies in court or stir up trouble in a family.
Pro 3:34 The LORD sneers at those who sneer at him, but he is kind to everyone who is humble.
Pro 1:32 Sin and self-satisfaction bring destruction and death to stupid fools.
Pro 12:9 It's better to be ordinary and have only one servant than to think you are somebody and starve to death.
Pro 13:10 Too much pride causes trouble. Be sensible and take advice.
Pro 14:3 Proud fools are punished for their stupid talk, but sensible talk can save your life.
Pro 15:25 The LORD destroys the homes of those who are proud, but he protects the property of widows.
Pro 15:33 Showing respect to the LORD will make you wise, and being humble will bring honor to you.
Pro 16:5 The LORD doesn't like anyone who is conceited-- you can be sure they will be punished.
Pro 16:18 Too much pride will destroy you.
Pro 16:19 You are better off to be humble and poor than to get rich from what you take by force.
Pro 17:6 Grandparents are proud of their grandchildren, and children should be proud of their parents.
Pro 17:19 The wicked and the proud love trouble and keep begging to be hurt.
Pro 18:12 Pride leads to destruction; humility leads to honor.
Pro 19:3 We are ruined by our own stupidity, though we blame the LORD.
Pro 20:14 Everyone likes to brag about getting a bargain.
Pro 20:29 Young people take pride in their strength, but the gray hairs of wisdom are even more beautiful.
Pro 21:4 Evil people are proud and arrogant, but sin is the only crop they produce.
Pro 21:24 If you are proud and conceited, everyone will say, "You're a snob!"
Pro 23:25 Make your parents proud, especially your mother.
Pro 27:1 Don't brag about tomorrow! Each day brings its own surprises.
Pro 27:2 Don't brag about yourself-- let others praise you.
Pro 29:1 If you keep being stubborn after many warnings, you will suddenly discover you have gone too far.
Pro 29:23 Too much pride brings disgrace; humility leads to honor.
Pro 30:32 If you are foolishly bragging or planning something evil, then stop it now!
Pride destroyed Uzziah
2Ch 26:15 In Jerusalem he made machines designed by inventive people. The machines were placed on the towers and corners to shoot arrows and hurl large stones. Uzziah's fame spread far and wide because he had strong support until he became powerful.
2Ch 26:16 But when he became powerful, his pride destroyed him. He was unfaithful to the LORD his God. He went into the LORD'S temple to burn incense on the incense altar.
God will put an end to arrogant people and humble the pride of tyrants
Isa 13:9 The day of the LORD is going to come. It will be a cruel day with fury and fierce anger. He will make the earth desolate. He will destroy its sinners.
Isa 13:10 The stars in the sky and their constellations won't show their light anymore. The sun will be dark when it rises. The moon won't shine.
Isa 13:11 I will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their wrongdoing. I will put an end to arrogant people and humble the pride of tyrants.
Satan became too proud because of his beauty
Eze 28:15 Your behavior was perfect from the time you were created, until evil was found in you.
Eze 28:16 You traded far and wide. You learned to be violent, and you sinned. So I threw you down from God's mountain in disgrace. The guardian angel forced you out from the fiery stones.
Eze 28:17 You became too proud because of your beauty. You wasted your wisdom because of your greatness. So I threw you to the ground and left you in front of the kings so that they could see you.
Eze 28:18 You dishonored your own holy places because of your many sins and dishonest trade. So I set fire to you to burn you up. I turned you into ashes on the ground in the presence of all who saw you.
Pride: the reason for the Fall of Satan (Lucifer)
Isa 14:12 (KJV) How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Isa 14:11 Your pride has been brought down to Sheol along with the music of your harps. Maggots are spread out like a bed under you, and worms cover you.
Isa 14:12 How you have fallen from heaven, you morning star, son of the dawn! How you have been cut down to the ground, you conqueror of nations!
Isa 14:13 You thought, "I'll go up to heaven and set up my throne above God's stars. I'll sit on the mountain far away in the north where the gods assemble.
Isa 14:14 I'll go above the top of the clouds. I'll be like the Most High."
Isa 14:15 But you've been brought down to Sheol, to the deepest part of the pit.
Punishment for the sinful pride of Moab and Ammon
Zep 2:9 Therefore, I solemnly swear, as I live," declares the LORD of Armies, the God of Israel, "Moab will become like Sodom, and Ammon will become like Gomorrah: a place of weeds, salt pits, and ruins forever. The faithful few of my people will loot them, and those who are left in my nation will take possession of them."
Zep 2:10 This is what they will get for their sinful pride, because they insulted the people who belong to the LORD of Armies and made themselves greater than them.
God will humiliate the pride of Assyria and Egypt
Zec 10:11 The LORD will pass through a sea of distress, strike the waves in the sea, and dry up all the deep places of the Nile River. The pride of Assyria will be humiliated, and the scepter of Egypt will depart.
God will pay back the selfish pride of the people
Rom 2:6 He will pay all people back for what they have done.
Rom 2:7 He will give everlasting life to those who search for glory, honor, and immortality by persisting in doing what is good. But he will bring
Rom 2:8 anger and fury on those who, in selfish pride, refuse to believe the truth and who follow what is wrong.
Rom 2:9 There will be suffering and distress for every person who does evil, for Jews first and Greeks as well.
Rom 2:10 But there will be glory, honor, and peace for every person who does what is good, for Jews first and Greeks as well.
Rom 2:11 God does not play favorites.
pride in the shameful things
Php 3:18 I have often told you, and now tell you with tears in my eyes, that many live as the enemies of the cross of Christ.
Php 3:19 In the end they will be destroyed. Their own emotions are their god, and they take pride in the shameful things they do. Their minds are set on worldly things.
The eyes of arrogant people will be humbled
Isa 2:9 People will be brought down. Everyone will be humbled. Do not forgive them.
Isa 2:10 Go in among the rocks and hide underground because of the LORD'S terrifying presence and the honor of his majesty.
Isa 2:11 The eyes of arrogant people will be humbled. High and mighty people will be brought down. On that day the LORD alone will be honored.
Isa 2:12 The LORD of Armies will have his day against all who are arrogant and conceited and all who are proud of themselves (they will be humbled),
God will stop those who are strong from feeling proud
Eze 7:20 They were proud of their beautiful jewels and used them to make disgusting and detestable statues of false gods. That is why I will make their jewels disgusting.
Eze 7:21 I will hand their jewels over to foreigners as loot and to the most evil people on earth as prizes. These foreigners will dishonor the people of Israel.
Eze 7:22 I will turn my face away from the people of Israel, and foreigners will dishonor my treasured place. Robbers will go in and dishonor it.
Eze 7:23 "Get the chains ready! The land is filled with murder, and the city is filled with violence.
Eze 7:24 So I will send the most evil nation, and it will take possession of people's houses. I will stop those who are strong from feeling proud, and their holy places will be dishonored.
Eze 7:25 Anguish is coming. People will look for peace, but there will be none.
Eze 7:26 One disaster will happen after another. One rumor will follow another. People will ask for a vision from a prophet. The teachings of priests and the advice of leaders will disappear.
Eze 7:27 Kings will mourn, and princes will give up hope. The common people will lose their courage. I will give them what they deserve and judge them as they have judged others. Then they will know that I am the LORD."
the Pride and destruction of Sodom
Eze 16:48 As I live, declares the Almighty LORD, your sister Sodom and her daughters never did what you and your daughters have done.
Eze 16:49 This is what your sister Sodom has done wrong. She and her daughters were proud that they had plenty of food and had peace and security. They didn't help the poor and the needy.
Eze 16:50 They were arrogant and did disgusting things in front of me. So I did away with them when I saw this.
the Arrogance and Humiliation of King Nebuchadnezzar
Dan 5:19 People from every province, nation, and language trembled and were terrified by him, because God gave him power. Nebuchadnezzar killed whomever he wanted to kill, and he kept alive whomever he wanted to keep alive. He promoted whomever he wanted to promote, and he demoted whomever he wanted to demote.
Dan 5:20 But when he became so arrogant and conceited that he became overconfident, he was removed from the royal throne. His honor was taken away from him.
Dan 5:21 He was chased away from people, and his mind was changed into an animal's mind. He lived with wild donkeys, ate grass like cattle, and his body became wet with dew from the sky. This happened until he realized that the Most High God has power over human kingdoms. God puts whomever he wishes in charge of them.
the proud person is not right
Hab 2:4 "Look at the proud person. He is not right in himself. But the righteous person will live because of his faithfulness.
God brings down arrogant people
Isa 5:15 People will be brought down. Everyone will be humbled. And the eyes of arrogant people will be humbled.
2Sa 22:28 You save humble people, but your eyes bring down arrogant people.
2Sa 22:29 O LORD, you are my lamp. The LORD turns my darkness into light.
arrogance made them forget God
Hos 13:4 "I am the LORD your God. I brought you out of Egypt. You have known no god besides me. There is no savior except me.
Hos 13:5 I took care of you in the desert, in a dry land.
Hos 13:6 When I fed you, you were full. When you were full, you became arrogant. That is why you forgot me.
All arrogant people and all evildoers will be burnt up completely
Mal 4:1 "Certainly the day is coming! It will burn like a furnace. All arrogant people and all evildoers will be like straw. The day that is coming will burn them up completely," says the LORD of Armies. "It won't leave a single root or branch.
haters of God, haughty, arrogant, and boastful
Rom 1:28 And because they thought it was worthless to acknowledge God, God allowed their own immoral minds to control them. So they do these indecent things.
Rom 1:29 Their lives are filled with all kinds of sexual sins, wickedness, and greed. They are mean. They are filled with envy, murder, quarreling, deceit, and viciousness. They are gossips,
Rom 1:30 slanderers, haters of God, haughty, arrogant, and boastful. They think up new ways to be cruel. They don't obey their parents,
Rom 1:31 don't have any sense, don't keep promises, and don't show love to their own families or mercy to others.
Rom 1:32 Although they know God's judgment that those who do such things deserve to die, they not only do these things but also approve of others who do them.
People in the last days --- arrogant, conceited, boasting, bragging...... evil is everywhere
2Ti 3:1 You must understand this: In the last days there will be violent periods of time.
2Ti 3:2 People will be selfish and love money. They will brag, be arrogant, and use abusive language. They will curse their parents, show no gratitude, have no respect for what is holy,
2Ti 3:3 and lack normal affection for their families. They will refuse to make peace with anyone. They will be slanderous, lack self-control, be brutal, and have no love for what is good.
2Ti 3:4 They will be traitors. They will be reckless and conceited. They will love pleasure rather than God.
2Ti 3:5 They will appear to have a godly life, but they will not let its power change them. Stay away from such people.
All such bragging is evil
Jas 4:16 However, you brag because you're arrogant. All such bragging is evil.
Jas 4:17 Whoever knows what is right but doesn't do it is sinning.
conceited people will not go unpunished
Pro 16:5 Everyone with a conceited heart is disgusting to the LORD. Certainly, such a person will not go unpunished.
Pro 21:4 A conceited look and an arrogant attitude, which are the lamps of wicked people, are sins.
better to be patient than arrogant
Ecc 7:8 The end of something is better than its beginning. It is better to be patient than arrogant.
Ecc 7:9 Don't be quick to get angry, because anger is typical of fools.
Don't be arrogant, but be friendly
Rom 12:16 Live in harmony with each other. Don't be arrogant, but be friendly to humble people. Don't think that you are smarter than you really are.
Php 2:3 Don't act out of selfish ambition or be conceited. Instead, humbly think of others as being better than yourselves.
Love is not arrogant
1Co 13:4 Love is patient. Love is kind. Love isn't jealous. It doesn't sing its own praises. It isn't arrogant.
God opposes arrogant people, but he is kind to humble people
Jas 4:6 But God shows us even more kindness. Scripture says, "God opposes arrogant people, but he is kind to humble people."
1Pe 5:5 Young people, in a similar way, place yourselves under the authority of spiritual leaders. Furthermore, all of you must serve each other with humility, because God opposes the arrogant but favors the humble.
Psa 18:27 You save humble people, but you bring down a conceited look.
The reward for humility and fear of the LORD is riches and honor and life
Pro 15:33 The fear of the LORD is instruction in wisdom, and humility comes before honor.
Pro 18:12 Before destruction a man's heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor.
Pro 22:4 The reward for humility and fear of the LORD is riches and honor and life.
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